Dr. Carme Batet Gabarró.
Anaesthesiology Resuscitation and Therapeutics of Pain
I studied Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, at the Hospital of Santa Creu and Sant Pau. I specialized in Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Treatment at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona from 1989 to 1993.
After my training in Anesthesiology, in 1995 I completed the two things that have marked my professional life, and which also gave me great satisfaction and hope to complete them. The first is the Doctoral Thesis, which was on work done at the exit of Pump and in the postoperative of Cardiac Surgery. I received Outstanding Cum Laude unanimously on this thesis. The second event was to finish face-to-face, the first master’s degree in Pain Treatment at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, held at the Santa Cruz and San Pablo Hospital. This was coordinated by four renowned specialists, including Dr. Aliaga. I have recently combined the practice of Anesthesiology, performing all kinds of major interventions, with the Treatment of Pain.
For the correct completion of interventional techniques, I initially trained in ultrasound in Austria, with Dr. Marhofer and Dr. Kapral, which allowed me to apply the technique in all regional anesthesia techniques and vascular access. I am currently responsible for training others in Pain Management, both for adjunct and resident physicians. Radiological and ultrasound techniques are routinely used in all procedures performed at our hospital.
I have maintained a formative and professional relationship with the most recognized physicians worldwide in Pain Treatment including, Dr. R. Portenoy, Dr. B. Galler, Dr. K. Foley, Dr. O. Rohof and Dr. JP Van Buyten. I have been fortunate to maintain a fluid relationship, of friendship, which has allowed me to always receive their criteria and guidance. Thanks to this, I practice with the conviction of having received the best preparation.
Periodically I have trained in hospitals in the United States, Holland, Belgium and France. I think it is fundamental for a specialist to share and learn constantly by going to the best sources.
Currently I manage the Pain Management Unit of Moisés Broggi Hospital and Consorci Sanitari Integral since its opening in 2010. Initially I was trained in Health Management in 2002, with the Diploma in Integrated Health Services Management by ESADE, and later in 2013 with the Master of Management of Health Organizations, completed at ESADE – Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business.
I have had the privilege of collaborating for years with Dr. J. Casamitjana Ferrandiz; one of the most recognized surgeons in the world in Cervical Surgery.
The intervention techniques that we use for Pain Treatment are those of the service portfolio of a Pain Management Unit and will be detailed on this website. My treatment specialization lies in neuropathic pain, nociceptive, inflammatory and everything involved in the genesis and pain processing. My most specific specialization is Spinal Pain Treatment.
With my training and experience in the procedures using Radiofrequency, I have performed these treatments since 1997, and from the beginning of the application in our country, a technique that I learned from the person with the most experience at the European level, Dr. Olav Rohof.
I am currently a staff member of the Catalan Pain Society and I have collaborated as an author in the Publication of the Document of Abordatge del Tractament del Dolor Crònic no Oncològic, published by CatSalut (health Government of Catalonia) and the Consens Català de dolor crònic no oncològic, published by the Catalan Society of Family and Community Society and with the Catalan Pain Society.
I personally believe that all people who feel limited by a condition that causes them pain, in an acute or chronic way, deserve a detailed, serious study that helps to find an accurate diagnosis which determines the best technique, according to the current protocols of evidence based medicine, with the maximum preparation, responsibility, personal and quality medical service that we can offer. This is my personal and professional motivation. Although many times we cannot completely eliminate pain, we can drastically reduce it to improve the patient’s quality of life.
Clinical Specialty: Pain Treatment
Degree and PhD Training: Santa Creu and San Pau Hospital (Autonomous University of Barcelona and Hospital Clinic (University of Barcelona)
Medical Specialty: Anaesthesiology Resuscitation and Therapeutics of Pain
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French