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Pain Treatment News

Pain Treatment News Music, health and analgesia by Dr. Carme Batet Patients who are in situations of significant stress, chronic pain or pathologies such as fibromyalgia, their own inhibitory pathway does not work properly, the internal mechanism to treat these stress situations does not work. In a normal situation, the brain, when it receives some stimulus...

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Collaboration with Dr Olav Rohof, Pain Treatment Specialist

I have spent some days at the city of Amsterdam, collaborating with doctor Olav Rohof. Dr. Olav Rohof is one of the most internationally recognized specialists in invasive Pain Treatment. He emphasizes as one of the introducers of Radiofrequency Techniques applied on cervical and lumbar nerve roots, Dorsal Root Ganglion, Discs, Joints, Epidural espace, etcetera....

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Gratitude words from Dj Paco Osuna

Last 27 May,  Dj Paco Osuna announced his gratitude to the medical team that operated him on a cervical pain : I would like to say oficialy thank you to Dr. Casamitjana y la Dra. Carme Batet because of them and their professionalism my career as a Dj dont has to stop. Last wednesday i...

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